

Timeline 2015(SW Era 6000)
An Alien comes to find the body of Alex Briggs next to an odd invention. The being travels though it's understanding of time and learns more about the mans effect on the future. The alien is inspired to break the oldest and greatest of laws for a strange. Rewinds time and alter life of a strange he never meet.

Coming Soon in pdf 
This 3rd planet became the home of my people over 31 'million years ago. We watch the you develop over the years and never interfered. We live in place you will call null space just outside of your material world. We needed not even notice you. In our travels along the ethereal threads that interconnect material worlds, we have disrupted many races of powerful civilization. What I am sharing with you is the chronicle that I have developed to share the truth about the humans of Earth known to many as Terran's.

I am Mal'amay, I am a Numidian I have lived for 5000 years and I have observed humans for most of my life. We Numidian can travel through or project through space and time.We have no  need spaceships. We ride the threads that connect all material and can arrive anywhere within time span of a thought. We can look humanoid and we can seam to some as a ghosts. We came to Terran because our home was dieing and you world was the perfect home.

Some of Numidians' are alarmed by the events that brought humans in to population. Thinking that the planet could not manage two lifeforms with such long potential. Our people furthered ourselves and let humans grow unaffected. There a time I felt that we should do something to protect you. This Chronicle explains why and how we had no choice but to interfere with your

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